Written by: Aishwarya Samptur
Edited by: Taina Stuart

As short-form content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels becomes increasingly prevalent, it provides society with a new, accessible means of learning about various disorders. However, the casual mainstream use of terms like “depression” and “anxiety” and frequent comments referencing “epilepsy” in response to videos with flashing lights contribute to widespread misconceptions. This oversimplification obscures the complexities of mental health and neurological disorders, fostering stigma and diminishing true understanding. Recognizing that mental health and neurological disorders are oversimplified in society, it’s crucial to raise awareness rooted in accurate information. Let’s begin with epilepsy, a neurological condition that receives limited public discourse.
As defined by NYU Langone Health, “Epilepsy is a neurological disorder in which a person has two or more unprovoked seizures that occur more than 24 hours apart. A seizure is an excessive surge of electrical activity in the brain that can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on which parts of the brain are involved.” The disorder encompasses various types of seizures, broadly categorized as focal (partial) or generalized.
In social media discussions, photosensitive epilepsy – a form of epilepsy that can be triggered by flashing lights – often appears in comments under videos with strobe effects. However, not all individuals with photosensitive epilepsy are sensitive to flashing lights. According to Epilepsy Newfoundland and Labrador, flashing lights “ can cause nerve cells in parts of the brain that process visual stimuli to all fire at once in a synchronized fashion, and this causes a seizure.” While this phenomenon can occur, it is not universally applicable to all forms of epilepsy or to all individuals with photosensitive epilepsy. Understanding these aspects of epilepsy is essential to prevent public misconceptions that oversimplify epilepsy, leading to a diluted and vague understanding of epilepsy to the general public.
Similar misunderstandings apply to mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. Depression, for example, includes a range of diagnoses, such as major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder, and seasonal affective disorder. Each subtype of depression entails a distinct spectrum of symptoms that significantly affect daily life and interpersonal relationships. It is extremely important to increase awareness of these disorders, however, unfortunately, individuals sharing their experiences online frequently receive negative responses fueled by misunderstandings. When those with depression openly share their challenges with maintaining social connections with friends and family or maintenance of personal and general hygiene to name a few, commenters often respond with harsh judgments, rooted in oversimplified views of depression. This response from the public underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive and empathetic understanding of mental health disorders.
Misconceptions regarding mental health disorders and medical conditions can foster harmful attitudes, diminish empathy, and lead to negative consequences. In conclusion, take the opportunity to learn and appreciate a term before incorporating it into everyday language. Furthermore, actively engaging with accurate information helps cultivate true understanding and reduces stigma.
Kohrman MH. What is epilepsy? Clinical perspectives in the diagnosis and treatment. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2007 Apr;24(2):87-95. doi: 10.1097/WNP.0b013e3180415b51. PMID: 17414964.
Thomas RH, Berkovic SF. The hidden genetics of epilepsy-a clinically important new paradigm. Nat Rev Neurol. 2014 May;10(5):283-92. doi: 10.1038/nrneurol.2014.62. Epub 2014 Apr 15. PMID: 24733163.
“Types of Epilepsy & Seizure Disorders.” Patient Care at NYU Langone Health, https://nyulangone.org/conditions/epilepsy-seizure-disorders/types. Accessed 10 Nov. 2024.
Scharfman HE. The neurobiology of epilepsy. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2007 Jul;7(4):348-54. doi: 10.1007/s11910-007-0053-z. PMID: 17618543; PMCID: PMC2492886.